Loan Rates

Competitive loan rates for whatever's on your mind.

Loan Rates

New/Used Auto Loans
Model Year Term APR*As Low As
New to 2020
Up to 63 Months
64 to 75 Months
84 months
5.65 %*
5.95 %*
6.45 %**
2019 to 2015 Up to 63 Months 5.65 %*
2014 and Older Up to 48 Months 5.65 %*

Motorcycle & ATV/UTV Loans
Model Year Term APR*As Low As
New to 2020
Up to 63 Months
64 to 75 Months
6.65 %*
6.95 %*
2019 to 2015 Up to 63 Months 6.95 %*
*Auto and motorcycle & ATV/UTV loan rates include .25% discount for: 1) automatic electronic loan payment, or 2) 20% down payment; discounts cannot be combined. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Actual rate based on credit history. Vehicle mileage may affect rate. Rates are subject to change without notice.
** Minimum financed amount of $35,000.00, 50,000 miles or less. 
Model Year Term APR* As Low As
New to 2017 Up to 120 Months 7.45%
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Actual rate based on credit history. Vehicle mileage may affect rate. Up to 120 months for loan amounts over $25,000.00. Rates are subject to change without notice.
Conventional Home Loan Rates

15 Year Fixed Rate
Rate APR*

20 Year Fixed Rate
Rate APR*

30 Year Fixed Rate
Rate APR*
Advantage Home Loan - Zero Down/No PMI  Learn More
30 Year Fixed Rate
Rate APR*
6.750  %
6.879 %

Home Equity/Second Mortgage
Term APR* As Low As
5 Years
7 Years
10 Years
15 Years
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Mortgage rates are subject to change without notice. Fixed rate mortgage APYs shown are for comparison purposes and assume a purchase price of $250,000 with a 20% down payment.

For FHA, VA and USDA rates, contact a mortgage loan officer:

Signature Loans
Type of Loan Term APR*
Share Secured Up to 60 Months 3% above Certificate Rate
Unsecured Up to 60 Months As Low As 10.90%
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Actual rate based on credit history. Rates are subject to change without notice.
Type Fixed APR*
Select Rewards VISA 9.90%
Everyday Rewards VISA 14.90%
Preferred Youth Rewards VISA 9.90%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are subject to change without notice.