Member-friendly rates from our trusted partner.

With Mid American’s partnership with TruStage, you may qualify for special discounts on your auto insurance.
Customized discounts
- Multi-Car Discount - The more cars you have, the more you'll save.
- Claims Free Discount - Earn discounts for continuous years of claims-free driving.
- Special Savings Opportunity - Save on auto insurance by being a credit union member.
Policy benefits
- Accident Forgiveness - Your rates won't rise due to your first accident.
- 24 -hour Claims Assistance - File or manage a claim 24/7.
- Better Car Replacement - Your totaled car will be replaced with one that's one model year newer.
© CUNA Mutual Group, 2012 All Rights Reserved
TruStage™ is a marketing brand used to identify products offered through CMFG Life Insurance Company and programs offered through CMFG Life insurance agencies to credit union members.